The digital age with a traditional twist
My new book We Wish You a Merry Christmas was illustrated digitally. I created it on a computer. I worked with Photoshop on a Cintq. I

I’ve got a new book for you!
I made the pictures for the new book. Helaine Becker wrote the words, and together it’s a very silly, funny and wonderfully festive book. After months

Kids Can Fly Storyboard Breakfast
I promised to show how to draw a tractor. In fact it was to be Farmer Joe’s tractor. But we ran out of time. So

A Porcupine in a Pine Tree Collection! Time for Porcupine and Silliness and Song
https://player.vimeo.com/video/484923448?h=fd26e09995 All three in one book with a new bright cover and the music notes included! It’s time to sing and make silly, or should

Making shapes real for kids
Kids often ask me ‘how do I make something look real?’. By real I think they mean that it looks like it’s really there, that it’s

Twelve Days of Drawing: How to draw a Beaver
On the Third Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…. Three Beaver Tails! Beaver Tails? I’m sure it was those tasty treats that

Twelve Days of Drawing: Drawing the Caribou
On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me: two caribou. That would have been interesting around the house! Caribou are very

Beaver Christmas Trees
I love Christmas trees. It’s not secret either that I love trees. But at this time of the year it’s special to bring a tree

Twelve Days of Drawing: Happy Holiday Drawing
The Holidays are very special at this time of year. Whether you are celebrating Christmas, or Hanukkah, or just taking a break from school and

Dashing Through The Snow Illustration Process
I love showing process. As a reader you get to see the final work. That’s the most important piece of course, but if you’re an