A Snow Day!

It’s a SNOW DAY here in Guelph!
Last night there was a beautiful fall of snow. It truly was millions of snow flakes that came down over my house covering everything in a soft deep blanket of white.

For many it was going to be a difficult day of getting around, but for kids it spelled a day of fun.

When I texted my son to announce early that school was canceled for my granddaughters I was elated for them. But moments later I realized that probably everything would sadly go online.

Thankfully I was informed that their school would be thinking differently and encourage kids to go out doors and enjoy rather than glued to a classroom on their laptops and tablets. Hopefully the laptops and tablets are abandoned and it’s the great outdoors for all.

Enjoy the snow! It’s magical while it lasts.
I’m going out to shovel. Maybe not magical but I’m happy it’s here. I love snow.

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