Beaver Christmas Trees

I love Christmas trees.  It’s not secret either that I love trees.  But at this time of the year it’s special to bring a tree into the house and dress it up with beautiful decorations.

That’s why it’s been fun to put Christmas trees into my illustrations.

The Porcupine series by Helaine Becker has given me a lot of chances to decorate in pictures.

Not sure if you can call this a Christmas Tree, but it definitely got decorated at the end of A Porcupine In A Pine Tree

I had great fun with beavers busily putting a tree together in Deck the Halls. It can’t be easy but they never gave up. I guess there’s a lesson in that.

The tree they build is a bit different.

But in the end it looks pretty good, I’d say. Maybe you be the judge.

And one last tree from Dashing Through the Snow, also by Helaine.

Another special Tree from Dashing Through the Snow

Enjoy drawing your tree, or any tree! They’re all beautiful!