Kids Can Fly Storyboard Breakfast

I promised to show how to draw a tractor.  In fact it was to be Farmer Joe’s tractor.

But we ran out of time.

So here it is: HOW to DRAW a TRACTOR

Hope that was fun!

Just a bit of background:

Today I was once again part of a wonderful event that takes place every year in Brantford Ontario. Kids Can Fly is an amazing group of volunteers that brings books and the joy of reading to children ages 0 – 6 in the area. They do an impressive job of presenting the Storybook Breakfast.

Due to Covid, this year it was online with books and box breakfast delivered to kids around the city by storybook characters and superheroes.  And I got to be part of it with a reading of Henny Penny and a drawing workshop to follow.

All I can say is WOW! What a great event. Congratulations to the Organization Committee and all the volunteers, and to Roger Duck of Brantford’s Digital Duck for such a great job.

Thanks for having me a part of it!